
Miss Inglaterra abandona a coroa e volta a trabalhar como médica

A beldade trocou a coroa pelo estetoscópio.

A Miss Inglaterra 2019, Bhasha Mukherjee, decidiu fazer uma pausa nos seus compromissos filantrópicos como embaixadora de diversas instituições de caridade, e retomou a sua carreira de médica, que exercia antes do concurso de beleza.

A decisão aconteceu após Bhasha Mukherjee, de 24 anos, receber mensagens dos seus antigos colegas do Pilgrim Hospital, Inglaterra, a dar-lhe conta da situação difícil por que estavam a passar com a pandemia do novo coronavírus. A miss, entrou em contato com a administração do hospital para informar queria voltar ao trabalho.

Senti que foi para isso que eu obtive o meu diploma e que momento melhor para fazer parte desse setor do que agora…“, disse a jovem à CNN.

Não há melhor momento para ser Miss Inglaterra e ajudar a Inglaterra do que neste momento de necessidade“, referiu.

Como estava a exercer algumas iniciativas na Índia, teve de cumprir os 14 dias de quarentena em Inglaterra para voltar a trabalhar como médica no Pilgrim Hospital. Bhasha é especialista em medicina respiratória, mas contou que os médicos estão a ser encaminhados para onde são necessários.

O número de mortes pela Covid-19 em hospitais na Inglaterra registado esta quarta-feira é de 828, chegando a um total de 6.483, informou o Serviço Nacional de Saúde do Reino Unido.


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Firstly, sorry for being late for this thank you post. Ofcourse it’s been a whirlwind of a weekend, overnight my life has turned upside down (in a good way) since the finals of #MissEngland2019. My first thank you would be the entire #Britasian fashion and entertainment industry – an industry where Indians Pakistanis Bangladeshis all work in perfect harmony, proof of the fact that given the right circumstances peace and love can be attained among even those that otherwise supposedly don’t get along. I would like to thank ofcourse my teachers and my wonderful family who saw me as their star even before I was anywhere close to my goal. Sam Sayeed , @afofme who was insistent for 1 year and half to convince me to take part in the pageant #asianfaceofmissengland which I won! @angeladawn63 @missenglandnews for having the faith in me throughout that I had the potential to get far. @joggy_kang_official, my sponsor, who on the day of the finals drove 4 hours each way just to get us ready, @puneetbhandal who was there in heart and soul with me, texting and checking on me every hour during the pageant. My room mate @urvi_mayor , you saw me at my LOWEST point during the two days and you with your generous kindness were soooo selfless in giving me support, I couldn’t have survived without you ! All the numerous beautiful souls as pageant sisters I met at the pageant, @domenique.fragale the lady with a voice you cannot not ignore ,@niamhkirk such a ball of joy, @mariam9426 you gave me the hug I needed sooo badly back stage, @atlantawilsher8 such a positive soul @brooketatchell my baby and partner who I might aswell adopt ! So so many lovely beautiful ladies urgh I could hug you all ! Such a tough competition each and everyone of you gave ! @stephaniejaynehill, @carina_tyrrell_official and @natashahmusic my inspirations ! All the people who donated even as close to the very last day ! @sobharth @faryal_jan @medicalcosmetics you guys have had faith in me since I was a nobody! And soo many more , you all showed me sooo much love and support ! I love you all. Miss England 2019 – Dr Bhasha Mukherjee

Uma publicação partilhada por Dr Bhasha Mukherjee (@bhasha05) a